May 19, 2004 10:48
Yesterday i got gryped out by my parents for pretty much doing what they told me. God it pisses me off!! I swear anything i do for them is never good enough!! They told me to turn in my application for united so i turnede it in on the one on 4th street and got gryped out for not turning it in to the one on University. Damn at least i am trying to get a job and make my self a better person instead of sitting at home all day. Then they wouldn't let me call my mom so that i could talk to her about my community service and problems i am having in my life. What kinda shit i that?? they won't even let me talk to my real mom just because she doesn't have a car and they don't think that she can do anything for us kids. But my mom does alot for me in the past compared to what my dad has done.
Love, peace, chicken grease,
Henry Ramirez II