Sep 09, 2006 03:26
so here's the thing.
i'm drunk right now.
i am almost positive ihave cancer.
i pierced the back of my neck and my anti tragus *today*.
i hate my ex boyfriend who fucked me over and now wants me back...but since i still love him i want him but i know he's a stupid head.
my old man has no respect for me and he proved it today.
i realized that people can't hate me for the fact that i smoke.
and that "quitting smoking" is somethign i've tried to do since last year.
(yes i've been smoking for that long and i've hid it that well)
my friends who cant stand to hear my brutally honest truth can go suck a left ball.
and those who can stand to hear it butchoose to go protect tehir boyfriend instead of tehir best friend from driving home drunk off their ass can choose their boyfriend who treats them lke shit instead of their best friend who leaves job applications on their windshield at 6am when they get off of work.
iloveher. not goign to lie she is my best friend. but her boyfriend is an asshole. and i told him. and now he hates me because i told him teh truth. and she'll run to him when he's hurt. butwhen i'm ready tod rive home anda get away frmo teh shit she's not there. but i guess i'm okay with that. because really i guess my job is to be there when shit falls.
i dont like boys.
they bother me.
tomarrow i wont remember posting this. well. its actually today.
goddamn i gotta workt onight.
ahh i hate my life.