Andrew Sullivan's
reasons for supporting Obama intersect a lot with mine.
Which is to say: It's less about what he wants the legislative branch to do, and more about the how the executive branch is run, and its role in government. That, and a rejection of the general tone and motivations of the Republican "base." Of course, I see little indication that his current groundswell of support has much to do with those things, but I'll take what I can get.
Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow, trying not to be too optimistic. The Democrats have been known to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and I haven't backed a winner since 1988. (Yes, my political history is a strange and winding road.)
Anyway, we voted last week, so no lines for us. We are having a small election-watching party. I doubt everything will be settled tomorrow night, but we'll probably have a strong indication.