Aug 02, 2009 14:14
There's something about cyclists that annoy me, and today I saw an article on the local newspaper website about cyclists that renewed my annoyance with them.
It's all about cyclists and motorists sharing the roads, living in harmony. But, for some reason, cyclists seem to ignore the rules of the roads, namely traffic lights and stop signs. While motorists MUST stop at red lights and stop signs, cyclists seem to ignore them and ride right through them, without as much as a slowing down. It annoys the hell out of me.
The newspaper article stated that they monitored a busy 4-way stop intersection, and of the 159 cyclists that approached the intersection, only 21 of them bothered to actually stop instead of blindly blowing through.
As a motorist, nothing annoys me more than a moron cyclist that thinks the rules don't apply to them, that no matter what happens on the roads, they're ALWAYS right and motorists are wrong. If they get run over, they'll say motorists are too aggressive and pay no attention to cyclists, that they have the right of way at an intersection, just as if they were a pedestrian. I think that's bogus. If they want to share the roadways with vehicles, then they should be held accountable to the rules of the roads.
What do you think? Am I wrong in thinking this way?
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