Captain John: That's gorgeous! Gwen: That's a poodle. Captain John: It's nice!

Jan 27, 2008 15:14

My last week as a 23 year old. I always say that I don't really care for birthdays, and it is still true. To me, 24 seems so much older than 23. But I remember last year when I thought that 23 was so much older than 22. It's just that 24 is almost 25, and then 25 is right between 20 and 30. They say age is just a number, and I agree with that. I don't feel old or anything, but...I guess I feel like I should have accomplished more for my age. I feel disappointed. I think, oh, I'm almost 24 years old. And what exactly have I done in those 24 years? Unfortunately, not much. Alright, that's enough of feeling sorry for myself for no good reason, so on to other things.

Yesterday I saw No Country for Old Men. Whoa. I don't even know what to say about it. I guess I'll try...It was good, and I liked it, but it was also kind of weird and confusing. I thought all of the actors were excellent, and the violence didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I did feel worried/stressed most of the time not knowing what was coming next. I was really into the movie through the beginning and middle, but then by the end, I was starting to get a little bored and was wondering when it would be over. There was one guy in the audience who cracked me up because he kept gasping and making funny noises during the violent parts. Then at one point, he whispered really loudly, "Smash it. Smash it. Smash it!" I won't say what it was that he wanted to be smashed because I don't want to spoil anything. Just the way this guy said it was hilarious. He sounded really worried and almost scared and seemed to be desperately hoping that the actor would take his advice. Sometimes other people's comments during movies can ruin things, but this person amused me. I may go to the library and see if I can check out the book. I haven't decided if I want to read it yet.

We almost snuck into There Will Be Blood after No Country for Old Men, but (1) the movie had already started, (2) it was kind of late, and (3) we didn't think we could sit through a 3 hour movie after having just watched the first one. I might try to see There Will Be Blood next weekend. I usually like to try and see all the Oscar nominated movies, but I really have no interest in Michael Clayton. The movie seems kind of boring, and George Clooney kind of bugs me. As for the Best Picture nominees, I've now seen 3 of the 5. I think I enjoyed Juno and Atonement more than No Country for Old Men, and I'd probably rather watch those again instead of No Country for Old Men, but that doesn't necessarily make them better movies.

birthday, there will be blood, no country for old men, oscars

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