Jun 05, 2006 12:41
aight party people, it looks like if a lakehouse trip is gonna happen its probably gonna be on the weekend of the 16f. my parents wanted to use that shit this weekend and since most people said they could go either time i figure its best not to argue with the parents, since they still havent given the sleepover aspect of it the full green light (im workin on it, it'll get done), and also theres more probability that my dad'll have the whaler operational by then. i know some people couldn't make it that weekend, so if its really a problem shout a comment and ill see what i can do about gettin my dad to give up da house for the weekend of the 10f. all this shit is still tenative, but ill try and nail down the details soon.
in other news i hit charlotte like a muthafuckin cyclone this thursday, so lets party somehow on friday nite. word.