
Sep 09, 2006 23:16

I saw an older man, old enough to be a grandfather, playing with a small girl of about five...maybe four. She had blonde hair, greeny-blue eyes, soft, thin, and pink lips and the cutest most plump rosey cheeks because of the slight chill in the air... She was perfect and she was so young. His hair was gray, no, it was silver and whispy but you could tell that it was once was a thick crop of hair; he had sparkling green eyes that screamed out youth and energy and love and careing and all those things that can be good in someone. They were connected and they loved one another like you couldn't believe...

It's a miracle really, despite the fact that it's just science... But all living things can create more living things completely independant unto themselves... Children for example live and breathe all on their own, but, at the same time the depend on their parents, grandparents, friends, and relatives for support and for other kinds of life like love and learning. I don't know how to explain it, but just...children are so beautiful and so vibrant and they are capable of so many things. When you think of the love that the parents, especially the mother, has for thier children it's astounding. I can't even grasp at the amount of love they have, it's so overwhelming that it makes me angry that I can't understand, that I can't even BEGIN to imagine what it must feel like to worry and care and love and need so, so much to just be.
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