I'm'a SKETCH you up, yes I am.

Jan 14, 2009 22:21

Los Monologos Vagina

Scene: Brian and Mike are sliding into a row of seats in a theater. The lights are dim, but not so dim as to signal the start of the show.

Brian: Thanks for getting the tickets, man.

Mike: Oh, yeah, no problem, bud. I just can't believe you've never seen the Vagina Monologues before.

Brian: Well, I've heard of the show, I've just never had the opportunity to see it. Plus, with the name, I thought it might be kind of a radical feminist thing.

Mike: Yeah, that's a common misconception. It's actually NOTHING like that.

Brian: Alright. Well, it might sound like a stupid question, but why DO they call it "The Vagina Monologues?"

(the lights begin to dim, signalling the start of the show)

Mike: You're about to find out. It's starting.

(The scene shifts to the stage, where Kate enters from stage right. She is wearing a black dress. She curtsies to the audience, who is cheering loudly, before she walks to center stage where a lounge chair sits in front of a microphone lowered to roughly knee-high and a large magnifying glass; the kind that dentists use. Kate sits and begins to pull up her dress. The scene shifts to an over-the-shoulder shot of Kate in the foreground and the audience in the background. Kate holds her legs open.)

Kate's Vagina: Two households, both alike in dignity,
In Fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life...
(Kate's Vagina continues the opening monologue of Romeo and Juliet as the scene shifts to a close up of Brian's face, eyes widening and face contorting in a mix of awe and horror. The camera pans to Mike, grinning, shaking his head, not diverting his eyes from the stage, absently eating popcorn.)

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