Everyone I know has become bi-polar. College is so hard and you hate it, the next day its the coolest thing ever, until you have a paper due the next day and its awful again. Then you come home and can't wait to get back because your high school friends are so boring compared to the pot smoking idiots on your floor, or your parents won't let you
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Arranging such a spectacular meeting would prove quite difficult, you see, sinc e you are all in fact off at college. I do applaud how well-written your response is.
Again, I'd like to denounce the assumption that I hate people for drinking. Go do whatever the hell it is you want. All I'm saying is I don't agree with the practice. That's all. I'll still talk to you, we can still hang out, yada yada. It seems to me that the people fighting this battle 'against me' are the ones who are "hiding behind the Ethernet cable" as you so put it. I don't want a fight. Hell, read my original post - nobody even had to comment on it unless they felt that they had to. Sorry for not running around to everyone's houses with a cardboard sign in a blaze of glory and telling you all why you're evil bad sinners. You're not. This medium is the fastest way to express how I feel about the situation. And that's all. Its just how I feel; not how I want anyone else to feel. I don't need to change the world. I'm not denouncing anyone's friendships because they drink. That's stupid.
But you're right, I'm losing lots of friends over this issue. They all seem to want to go back to college and party it up some more, when they used to love being in town. That's life, I suppose. Its a changing thing and we'll all have to accept that. I really don't see what needs to be "resolved" - there's no pressing hot-button crisis on our hands; I'm just writing how I feel on this free piece of the internet those fools at Livejournal.com decided to hand out.
Sorry for causing everyone so much grief over this crap. Sarah's a least somewhat right - someone (or many people) are being really, really dramatic about this.
Why is everyone assuming my post is about them? I made somewhat of an exaggeration out of it as a point - a cumulative feeling of the responses about college that I'm getting. Instead, each individual is taking it as if I think those things are about them. Do you all actually do that stuff? Now I'm surprised.
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