Yeah, I'm back in Spanish. Current schedule:
Monday: Spanish 11-12, Ceramics 1-4, Outlet Peer Advising 6-8
Tuesday: History of Modern Latin America 9:30-11, Spanish 11-12, History of Modern LatAm discussion 12-2, History of Brazil 2-3:30, Spanish tutoring 3:45-4:45, RA meetings 7-9:30
Wednesday: Spanish 11-12, Ceramics 1-4, Outlet Peer Advising 6-8
Thursday: History of LatAm 9:30-11, Spanish 11-12, History of Brazil 2-3:30
Friday: Spanish 11-12, Ceramics 1-4
This isn't factoring in my National Organization of Women meetings or the 5 to 8 hours a week I'll be working...
I spent the afternoon of MLK Day at Cloyne with a good lookin' blonde. Here are some of the results: