Sep 24, 2006 22:11
I had a fantastic morning.
I weighed myself this morning and learned that I lost 4 pounds this week. All in all, I've lost 22 lbs since the beginning of summer (June), 12 lbs since I got to Cal (end of August) and 6 lbs in the past two weeks.
Amusingly enough, I'm feeling realllly self concious at this point in my life. I've been feeling very undesirable...I guess last semester/this summer I had gotten used to having someone who I knew was attracted to me, even if those people weren't dating me. Maybe it's because despite the fact I'm losing weight, I'm even more aware of how MUCH i have to lose now that I'm tracking it.
I miss having someone...I miss knowing there's someone out there I can cuddle and kiss.
But I'm keeping my mind off shit like that by keeping SUPER busy. I applied to be the Commissioner of Diversity Affairs for the ASUC (Student Senate)- If i got the position I'd be in charge of communicating the concerns of students of color, women, disabled students and GLBT students to the ASUC. I interview for the position on Wednesday morning.
I tried out for the Vagina Monolouges last Wednesday. I find out tomorrow if i was cast.
I also applied to go to a conference on tolerance and diversity. The conference is being held in MEXICO- And I'd get a free trip there :) :) Let's hope i get chosen. I'll know this Wednesday.
I'm also working out Monday night, Tuesday morning, Wednesday night and Thursday morning. I'll eventually expand that to 5 or 6 days a week. I'm also going to Queer Alliance and Queer Womyn and Cal meetings on Monday nights, working and going to staff meetings on Tuesdays, going to NOW meetings on Wednesday nights, Students of Latin America meetings on Thursday nights and working on Saturdays. That along with 16 credits of class and all my RA responsibilities.
Another potential Suicide Girl is gonna work with me- We'll shoot the set sometime in the near future. I also sent in my first set to Bella Vendetta. Hopefully that'll go up soon.
Call me crazy, but I love being busy.
Oh, and most importantly, I TURN 20 ON OCTOBER 2nd!!