a love letter

Jun 23, 2008 23:35

It's my two year anniversary! Two whole years of smiles, hugs, cuddles, kisses, fights, arguments, and maturing with the guy that makes me feel invincible. Countless nights on the phone, thousands of online conversations, and a nice handful of arguments to keep our relationship exciting. Tens of thousands of thoughts go through my head about this boy, including multiple sleepless nights filled with him making me smile and laugh.

All of our little imperfections that make us who we are, make us the couple that we are, all of those little imperfections that make us love the other even more (after we get used to them of course) , those are the times that make the relationship a reality.Nothing makes a girl happier than when she can cuddle up next to her perfection, relax in his arms, and feel all of the problems of the world drain away for those few precious moments, knowing that even if nothing else is right in the world, where you are, and the way that he holds you, is not only right, it's perfect.

Ryan, You are certainly not perfect: you snore, you're a morning person, you game too much, you tease me at the wrong time, and you forget to buy me coffee every morning, but I love your snore, you wake me up very quickly, your gaming is an outlet that you need, boys never know when to tease and when not to tease, and I don't have an excuse for the coffee one, but I'm sure there is one. You are not perfect, and neither am I, but somehow, everything fits perfectly.

Ryan, you are my hero, my perfection, my past, present, and future, and with this my love, I would like to thank you for everything that you have taught me about love, everything you have taught me about life, and everything that you have done to make this work.

Happy Anniversary My love,
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