tough subject

Jan 05, 2008 20:20

I had a debate with a young man a couple of weeks ago. It ended in him calling me "Hitler's Reflection" and walking off. The argument was over abortion. He was pro abortion and I am not. So it erupted from there. His argument was that if people made a mistake with a child as a consequence, they should not have to live with that burden. I asked him if he considered life a burden. He stuttered that he didn't but some people can not cope with a child and they should not have to deal with a consequence so large. He asked if I was merciless to that opinion and I smiled.

No, I do not believe in abortion. I do not believe in killing something, someone, that has not had a chance to prove themselves. Especially someone who is vulnerable and who has no defenses.  That in mind, I believe in eliminating the weak links of society. There is a question that has been going around for what seems like forever. "If there was a car crash and you could only save one of them, which one would you choose, a fetus, or an older lady?" I would choose the fetus for two reasons.  One, the older woman has had a chance to experience life, has had a chance to put her mark in the world and to attempt for a shot for immortality. Two, my above thoughts on abortion.  Apparently, Hitler had the same types of thoughts of filtering out the successful with the unsuccessful.  I like to think I'm not like Hitler, or at least not as strict.

If people ever wonder why I am so hard on myself, this would be it, my expectations for others and my morals are high and I expect  even greater from myself. I would love to read your thoughts on abortion, please be open minded to others.
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