More survey questions

Mar 11, 2007 06:56


1. Do you know anyone in Prison? Not yet

2. Have you ever logged onto a boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes myspace? Nope

3. When is the last time you ate Peanut butter and jelly? I don't remember

4. Do you have a desk in your room? Who doesn't?

6. What kind of car insurance do you have? I don't drive or own a car

7. Are you named after one of your parents or grandparents? Yup

8. Does your first significant other still live in the same town as you? No

9. Do you throw up gang signs? No

10. Have you ever broken a rib? No, but I came close a few times

11. Would you rather be a girl or a guy? I'll stick with being a boy

12. Who is the most spoiled person you know? I don't know

13. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love? True love

14. Have you ever had sex in church? No

15. Is your boyfriend/girlfriend a marine? haha, no

16. Do you watch the grammy's? No

17. Do you shop at Target? Sometimes

19. Would you rather date someone 2 years older then you or 20? 20

20. Have you ever had a eating disorder? No

21. Do you have a porn collection? No

22. How many proms have you been to in your life? None

23. Have you ever been in a inter-racial relationship? Depends how you define inter-racial, I've never dated any other Italian-Moroccans

24. Is your birthday on a holiday? Nope

25. Are you old enough to vote? Yes

26. Do you have any friends or family in the War right now? Not right now, but I've known people who have been in Iraq and I know people who are going there

27. Are you a vegetarian? No

28. Do you worry about global warming? Nope

29. Do you like polar bears? Yup! They're such wonderful creatures!

30. Are you straight edge? For the next few weeks

31. What kind of birth control do you use? That's never been an issue for me

32. What slang word do you call marijuana? Weed or pot

33. Are you an atheist? Nope

35. Did or do you think your childhood dreams will come true? Here's hoping

37. What's your opinion on gold diggers? Is digging for gold even profitable anymore?

38. Are you a country or city girl/boy? City boy, definitely

39. Is your car a 2002 or higher? I don't drive or own a car

40. Do you floss daily? Nope
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