Jun 25, 2007 17:57
Went to the doctor today after 5 days straight of enduring a very swollen sore throat with literally nothing I could do with over the counter drugs to slow it down any. I can't even really talk out loud without it feeling like a million knives are stabbing me in the throat, so I'm venting it out this way. Well, it turns out when I noticed that this sore throat is the worst one I've ever had..... it's because today I tested positive for MONO. So it was a good thing I went in today, but.... yeah, I've got nothin. I'm supposed to be out finding a job... ANY job so that I can support myself, but the doctor informs me that I must stay in bed for a while.... so once again, the timing of MONO couldn't be any more perfect.... !@#*@^$()*^@#*()$^)*(&@#^$)(#@^$(!
I didn't write this post to garner any pity. I just needed some way to vent the frustration out, since shouting is a little out of the question at the moment.
Oh and it didn't help last night when one of the episodes of LOST I watched had a scene where Charlie had an arrow launched full speed right into his juggular.... oooowwwwww, I feel for you Charlie.