Threads from Tales of Dressing Room

Aug 28, 2009 23:22

Just for reference.

Intro post:
[x]  Meets Hugo, who freaking creeps him out.

[x]  Leon comes along, and they go for a walk while discussing stuff. It gets pretty serious, actually!

[ ]  AU! Chloe investigates the box, only to have Flynn threaten  her. Tries to explain the multiple world thing.

[ ]  Vampire! Colette meets the box, proceeds to apologize profusely and start walking towards the stores.

[x]  Duke sees the box. Shows Flynn magic,  talks about the nexus thing and other stuff. I swear, half of it turned into OOC comments.

[ ]  Kid! Lloyd comes, and Flynn becomes a bit of a babysitter.

[x]  Luceti! Yuri notices the box, Flynn freaks out, and then they set off on an adventure into the forest.

[ ]  Kid! Moses checks out the box, and at this point, Flynn's pretty irritated by getting kicked.

[x]  Schwann sees the box, Flynn learns more about Terca Lumereis.

[x]  Yeager mistakes MGS! Flynn for his Flynn, mostly results in confused MGS! Flynn.

[x]  Meets Crazy! Martel, and they talk about tragedies of war, and more about Aselia.

Posts from Aug. 21, 2009 - Sept. 2, 2009:
[x]  Mistakes Anti! Estelle with his mission saver. Turns into her confessing her love for Flynn.

[ ]  Sees Ba'ul in the sky, and freaks out. He flees.

[s]  Meets Schwann again, and gets a laptop. Attempts to explain how computers work, but fails.

[s] Comes to the wedding and Anti! Estelle once again expresses her love.

[s] Notices Luceti! Yuri with a baby, and WTFs at his friend having a son. 

[x] Alice's dragon draws his attention, and it eventually turns into box-mania.

1st post: Warning - crankiness from lack of cigarettes!

[s] Duke discovers Flynn's problem. Turns into Flynn chasing Duke up a tree (seriously).

[s] Schwann tells Flynn that Repede has a pipe that he might be able to use.

[x] Mistaken for Guy by a Luke! Flynn becomes more mellow near the end.

[s] Anti! Estelle is concerned about lung cancer. The topic diverts somehow.

Posts from Sept. 15, 2009 - Oct. 31, 2009:

[x] Meets a canon Estelle who is writing fairy tales.

[s] Schwann's water balloon shenanigans hit Flynn. Turns into The Most Awkward Conversation In The History Of Zelores. (not worksafe!)

[x] Meets an AU! Estelle. Brings her to the library.

[x] Oh hey! It's... himself, cooking stuff. They talk about batteries, too.

[ ] Passes by Van, and gets mistaken for Guy. Again.

[s] Duke stares at a weird sword. Flynn stares at Duke's staring. Flynn thinks Duke's being weird.

[x] Injured AU! Yuri alert! Flynn tries to help despite Yuri not really cooperating.

[x] Another injured Yuri! Stripping ensues. So does cooking.

[x] Gets kicked by another Yuri. Is mostly them being snarky at each other. Or something.

[s] Schwann gives him a paper bag mask. It also contains a condom. 

[x] Meets Rita, who mentions him . Continues from the thread above.

[ ] Meets fish!Flynn and it turns into something called "animal harassment".

[x] AU!Flynn is new to Zelores and the intro is given. Some box mania ahead.

[x] Offers little!Yuri a place to stay for the night. Flynn cooks.

[s] Almost blows Duke up by accident. Uh, Flynn was hunting?


[x] Another Estelle! They end up talking about how different their worlds are.


[ ] Sees Repede with the dolls. Maybe he should start wearing more casual clothes?

[s] Flynn puts out a house on fire and confronts Duke about it.

[ ] Meets Dist, who's making guns! Of course, Flynn is curious.

[x] Griflynn. Just. What.


[s] A Yuri calls out Flynn for shooting Rita in the fight. Flynn gets punched.

[x] New Yuri comes by, and Flynn being Flynn does the intro. There's really a sign on his back.

[s] Schwann brings flowers to the church for Estelle. Somehow, this leads to an adventure into an underground town.

[s] Tells Luceti!Yuri about the church incident. Flynn's a bit slow at noticing the wings, though.

2nd post: Doing the Kool Aid Man to other people's houses. :|b

[s] Mistaken identity again? Also, I fail because I didn't finish this.

[s] Duke destroys stuff. Flynn doesn't like it.

[x] The shout is warranted this time! Somewhat.

[ ] Flynn shows Fenimore what Orerines wear to go swimming. Somehow, they didn't even catch each other's names. Huh.

[s] Flynn approaches Duke once more! And they aren't really pissed at each other anymore, so that's good stuff.

To keep track of people's names:
[x] - Knows name.
[ ] - Doesn't know name.
[s] - Met them before.

Why do I over-complicate things.

Holy shit, that's a lot.
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