Terry in front of Marine Land
Me in the Arcade with my pink racing car (I came in last place :< ).
I believe this was the seal... or a sea lion???
Ouu, I loved the dolphins!!
Terry feeding a deer.
My favorite, the killer whale! There were three all together. I assumed this was the father.
And this was the mother and child. (pic taken from underground viewing)
Soo beautiful!! (pic taken from above tank viewing)
Me and Terry feeding a Beluga Whale (omg, i had to touch like 5 fish--I dispise goey stuff)
Us petting the lil guy. (Feels like rubber)
Me and Terry at the campsite--fuck, we were drunk.
The family who helped us and invited us to hang out with them. (They were so nice)
(The llittle boy in the front pic is probably the smartest kid I have ever met. He knows everything about anything having to do with sports. He knows two years ago NHL schedual and tons of details of the Fifa World Cup, Wrestling, baseball, basketball, he knows it all. Not only that, this kid talks like hes 20 years old. He's telling us about how he had a talk with his girlfriend's father, and how this is his 22nd girlfirend. I asked him how old he was, he tells me '8 years old'.)
The Falls from our hotel room
The American side
The Canadian Side
Me outside of the casino and our hotel (The Hilton).
Some really cool gaget type thingy at the Casino.
Lol, Terry posing at the Guisness Book of World Records on the Niargara Strip