An update methinks...

Sep 08, 2004 21:50

Saturday was a bit of a crazy day. I spent the main part of the day playing very heavy metal on my guitar and trying out new song ideas for my band. I then went to East Tilbury in the early evening to play at the wedding of the vicar and the verger (one of them is a woman, I’m just not sure if she was the vicar or the verger) with Grays Band. And then to Slime’s for a few hours in the night with meretrix79 and my friend Paul. So that’s heavy metal, brass band and “pounding, pounding techno music” all in one day. I think it’s fair to say I have an eclectic musical taste!

Slime’s was a lot better that I’d expected. I ran into a lot of people I know in some way related to LJ, including the two scallies mentioned in my previous post. Spent most of the night up on the industrial / noise floor trying to coax meretrix79 to actually speak to the guy she fancies, without success. Still, she’s blabbed it on her LJ so he’s bound to find out soon. If he hasn’t yet, king_of_spook it’s YOU!

Shall be going to Slime’s again at some point, but not for a couple of weeks at least. Gonna be having a quiet time over the next week as my Dad’s in the States and my Mum hates being left alone in the house at night (which I can understand as it’s a VERY creepy house to be on your own in). Still, I’ll be back with a vengeance as of next Friday. See some of you out then maybe???
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