Nov 17, 2008 14:04
Today's horoscope spoke to my heart...
"If every little detail of your life hasn't been lining up quite as neatly as you would have wanted, have no fear! Take heart in the fact that you see the bigger picture -- you know that by making small but consistent efforts to keep things on track, you can eventually get to where you need to be. Sure, there might be an unexpected detour or two (or twelve) on the way, but isn't that what makes life interesting? So if you get derailed today, just try to relax and enjoy the new experience."
...but I'm really getting sick of this "today" stuff they try to cram in these little life-lessons or words of encouragement. I like it much better when it's just a general statement that may apply to more than just how I'm feeling today.
Today's horoscope isn't just a one-day kind of thing. It's pretty much the rule of life I follow. I try real hard to keep the big picture in sight, but sometimes life throws you something unexpected, and you have to take a step back and come at it with a new approach. This is how I live worry-free, no matter what comes up. I know somehow we'll make it through...