Dec 30, 2009 18:18
JBug was shopping on Amazon and noticed that they were offering new and used earplugs. Used earplugs? Anyway, I wondered if they also offered used condoms. No. But I clicked through to one that was rated particularly low. Turns out the sale item was supposedly a box of novelty items. Here are some of the comments.
Over half the condoms that were in my package were out of date
you do receive a suprise gift in them, but i won't tell
they could have left out the 30 min porn card cause most people have porn already.
Some of the lubricants smell like soap and for me i hate that.
bought this product for a friend's bachelorette party.... The vibrator did not work, and the other novelties are nothing of interest. [Must have been some party.]
everything was thrown together in an envelope, which, in my case, ripped during delivery. It was a little embarassing to have condoms falling all over the place as I walked back to my apartment.
It included a variety of brand condoms, a pocket pussy (for my boyfriend, but we threw it away and now we regret it)
This kit had a totally different rabbit viborator...It was a HUGE blue rabbit viborator that smelled like some awful funky plastic. I washed it several times with no relief from the funky plastic smell. However, the other stuff was great! The rabbit may need a condom to over come the smell!