Mar 12, 2006 17:44
okay, so the trailer was stolen. that shit is totally fucking lame!
so we drove all the way down from seattle to san fransisco last night. we left at 1130 and got done driving at 1230. long drive, PACKED van from the lack of space cause we have no trailer...lame x 10,000.
so i am stuck in san fransisco right now. but i deicided since i havent seen my mommy since august i am going to take the time to take a greyhound down there and visit her for two days. she is stoked, and so am i.
this will be the start of me updating my LJ for tour and everything so all my seattle friends can keep tabs on me and make sur ei am stull alive...hahaha
i already miss home and espically miss michelle...
i have missed Carrie since the day she left, and i feel bad that our friend scotty is being a total prick to her. i wish i could come over there and punch him in the balls and tell him to grow the fuck up...
i love you all, and if there is anyway you can help out set your goals with the replacement of our trailer please paypal some money to
and donate whatever you can (no donation is too small).
i love you all...
and check out for band LJ updates...
Chris Jacobsen