stole this from Bennett who stole from M-train...and the winner is....

Apr 02, 2005 22:48

+ your name: Desiree
+ your gender: female
+ age: 22
+ height: 5'6
+ hair color: black...and...some other shade of crap
+ eye color: brown
+ fears: heights, failure, snakes, death

+ fallen off the bed?: too many times to count
+ fallen for a relative?: Hell fucking no
+ had plastic surgery?: had the urge, but
+ broke someone's heart?: indeed
+ had your heart broken?: most unfortunately
+ had a dream come true?: nope
+ done something you regret?: if anyone hasn’t then they lie
+ cheated on a test?: emm...this one is also a gimme
+ been raped?: yes, but its not too known of a fact
+ broken a body part?: yes, most recently, to be exact...and previously too

+ wearing - black sweatpants, and a black shirt
+ listening to - the person on the telephone...
+ chewing - my lip
+ feeling - VERY depressed
+ reading - Harry Potter-Goblet of Fire
+ located - in my room, in my bed
+ chatting with - On the phone, remember?
+ watching - the computer screen
+ should REALLY be doing- cleaning/sleeping

SECTiON 4 [ DO YOU... ]
+ brush your teeth? Hopefully everyone does this...
+ like anybody? No
+ have any piercings? Yesum
+ believe in Santa Claus? Not since Mindie ruined it for me
+ ever get off the computer? When sleeping

+ do you belong to a crew? Yes...and they are slackers
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex? More so that not
+ do you consider yourself popular? Never in school, but with my friends, yes
+ do you trust your friends? Depends....on my mood
+ are you a good friend? I hope so, and if not, would like to know why
+ can you keep a secret? depends on the situation
+ hugged - Brandon
+ talked to on the phone - AJ
+ yelled at - Colt
+ turned down - Lesbian girl at work

+ What do you want to be when you grow up? Be a grown up
+ What was the worst day of your life? March 8, 2005
+ What has been the best day of your life? The day I graduated high school.
+ What comes first in your life? My family
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? No/no/no
+ If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them? On my ass
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? I pray for those I love

+ Song: not sure at this moment
+ Movie: Ghostbusters/top gun
+ Band: Metallica
+ Store: emm...Walmart
+ Relative: cant pick
+ Sport: erm, no?
+ Vacation Spot: Aruba, Jamaica, OOOH I wanna take ya...
+ Fruit: pineapple
+ Candy: Skittles
+ Holiday: Christmas
+ Day of the Week: Saturday I guess
+ Colour: blue
+ Magazine: Cosmo
+ Name for a Girl: Kairi
+ Name for a Boy: His name was Jonas...

SECTiON 9 [ DO YOU . . .]
+ Like to give hugs - I believe so
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? On, no nakie
+ Prefer black or blue pens? blue
+ Dress up on Halloween? Yes
+ Like to travel? Usually, If theres a shower and a toilet
+ Like someone? My friends
+ Sleep on your side, tummy, or back? Yes...
+ Think you're attractive? Not really
+ Want to marry? No
+ Have a goldfish? Beta suits me better
+ Ever have the falling dream? Too often+ Have stuffed animals? Yes, Kissyfur being my favorite
+ Go on vacation? When I can...West Virginia or BUST!!

+ Abortion: choice
+ Eating Disorders: eww...and repulsive that stereotypical america makes us need to be that way
+ Tattoos: get as many as you like
+ Piercings: want list : nose....thats all
+ Make-up: only on special occasions
+ Guys: testosterone driven fuck asses
+ Girls: an overabundance of estrogen ridden psycho bitches

+ Pierced nose or tongue? tongue
+ Be serious or funny? Funny
+ Simple or Complicated? prefer simple, usually complicated
+ MTV or BET? i want my mtv!
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? None of the above
+ Sugar or salt? Sugar, unless it’s a potato product
+ Silver or gold? silver
+ Tongue or belly button ring? Tongue
+ Chocolate or flowers? Prefer neither, but flowers if I must choose
+ Angels or miracles? Angels, miracles are too good to be true
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? Black and white
+ Sunrise or sunset? sunset
+ M&M's or Skittles? skittles (taste the rainbow)
+ Rap or Rock? rock
+ Stay up late or sleep in? Yes
+ TV or radio? tv
+ Hot or cold? Freeze me baby
+ members of the opposite sex taller or shorter? Taller
+ Diamond or Ruby? I don’t really like jewelrey
+ Left or Right? Left handed people are in their right minds
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend? one best friend
+ Vanilla or chocolate? vanilla
+ Kids or no kids? Heathens!!!
+ Half-empty or Half-full? Depends on how thirsty....
+ Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup (catsup)
+ Newspaper or Magazine? magazine
+ Spring or Fall? fall
+ Give or receive? Im greedy...
+ Rain or snow? Frozen rain
+ Happy or sad? Content??
+ sneakers or sandals? sandals
+ McDonald's or Burger king? BK+ Lights on or off? for what?? Off, but tv going ( need the noise)
+ A house in the woods or the city? Mountain top home
+ Pepsi or Coke? Mountain Dew (pepsi product)
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