Jun 23, 2006 21:32
[A is for age:]
[B is for booze of choice:]
not sure....depends on how drunk I wanna get
[C is for career:]
college student, then elementary teacher
[D is for your dog's name:]
don't have one=(
[E is for essential item you use everyday:]
[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
Everything Changes by Staind♥
[G is for favorite drinking game:]
don't play those
[H is for Home town:]
Ewing, now Jonesville
[I is for instruments you play:]
[J is for favorite juice?:]
hmm...minute maid orange, i guess
[K is for kids?:]
[L is for last hug?:]
from Braylen about an hour ago...aww=)
[M is for marriage:]
not yet but, we're engaged
[N is for nickname:]
chescole, chessy, cheeser, many more=)
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
too many to remember!
[P is for phobias:]
water (deep mainly)
[Q is for quote:]
'everything happens for a reason' (not MINE but i use it a lot=)
[R is for biggest regret:]
none really
[S is for status:]
um, single?
[T is for time you woke up:]
about 8:30
[U is for Underwear:]
[V is for vegetable you Love:]
lots of them
[W is for worst habit:]
being paranoid over nothing
[X is for x-rays you've got:]
a few
[Y is for yummy food you make:]
hmm...hot pockets count? =/
[Z is for zodiac sign:]