I.Name? trevor/fex
II.Place of residence? north tampa/lutz, florida
III.Years you have been alive? 18
IV.Top 10 Bands? DISCHARGE, amebix, at the gates, AXEGRINDER, gloom, gauze, skitsystem, confuse, anti-cimex, SDS....a lot more
V.Who is your favorite and most influential metal performer? And why? (Example. Phil Anselmo) tomas lindberg, he was/is in a lot of my favorite bands and (in skitsystem at least) had two contrasting singing styles, which sounded like dual vocals
VI.First show ever attended? not sure, i think it might have been a band called "reach around" in 1995
VII.What religion are you (if any) and why? religion is dogshit to explain things that science couldn't
VIII.Post atleast 3 pictures of yourself. Pictures that actually show your face/body. NO FUCKING PHOTOSHOPPING!