Jan 07, 2005 00:41
I'm afraid I'm not very keen on keeping a steady schedule of any sort, LJ or otherwise. Meh poor DA hasn't been updated in moooonths.
Anywho, it's the new year, and I've decided to put away my unorganized habits and set a new! Er, but seeing how it's a week into the new year, and my room is a hazard zone. Scratch that out too. Le's go for exercising, or, er, something that's every other day-like. Maybe that'll work, eh?
The new year hasn't been all that exciting, only week. But damn, what a long week. School started the third, can you believe? They're getting shorter and shorter at these christmas breaks. Ten days. When's a feller supposed to eat and take a piss! --It was nice though. I didn't get dressed once, stayed in uber comfy silky pj bottoms. Woohoo.
<(*0*)> Most exiciting present was Sailor Moon Art Book Volume I!! Zack got it for me. <3 It's so pretty. A lot of the art books have gone out of print and/or a bitch to find. Squuuueeeeeee! And I got a keyboard--squeeeee--with viola and strings on it. Jig. Now I can tune! Bounce. For all those who play string instruments, you know what I mean. Fucking bitch, yo. Especially in the winter when everything's sharp. Bah.
Oh, and I also decided that I suck at LJ layouts, so I'm going to stop and just keep it to this one again, 'cept that I feel like a pedophile for looking at it. The chick looks like she's fourteen! Lol. If anyone knows of some nifty backgrounds, please tell me about them. I'm dire to get this one off and the Sora Santa picture was rather scary. Though, it still owns meh desktop. Mum was sick of Arucard. Lmao.
Blue says hi.
Meh fat, grey cat that jumped in my lap. Y'know, he was cuter when he was on the verge of death as a kitten. Now, he's just annoying. Like, want-to-take-a-shot-gun-and-watch-him-dance annoying. He'll wait for you to move, the sly devil, and then he'll take it! And he wont move! You can nudge him all you want, but his thirty pound arse isn't moving unless you pick it up and drop it on the floor!
Anyway--yar... That's about all. Got an A on meh AP Biology quizzie today. Bwhahahaha. I talked to Zack for an hour about glycolysis and the Kreb cycle yesterday. Mr. Music Major was all, "The sky is blue. The sky is blue!" Noooo, it's not dear, Zackikins! XD And then was I all, "And Rubeus didn't want to steal their energy, he wanted to steal the ATP that is formed during cellular respiration!! BWHAHHAHAHHA!!!"