Sep 09, 2004 18:32
So it seems i'm at school, in math class.... reading FIRST BLOOD, by David Morrell. Alot grimmer and grittier than the movie, like for example, Trautman takes Rambo's head off in the final chapter. Also, there's much more graphic slaughter along the way. A good book to read in th storming weather, too bad i can't be out to enjoy it more fully. I got tanked last night in wine & Beverage class, no one else wanted their brandy, marsala or portugese merlot, and i was forced into duty. So as it goes i still have that weird detached sick feeling in the back of my gutty-whatties and the gulliver aches a bit. My commis is too tight, and a cranial explosion should be a matter of business before long....
I didn't study last night due to the intox, and i got an A on the test today.