my caseworker is a bitcH!!!

May 17, 2005 14:44

you know everytime we think that everyting is gonna get miving along it doesnt. once again our caseworker is trying to fuck us over. this time she is trying to tell our mom that she did not recieve any of the documentation that she sent last week, and the faxes that her counciler sent also. even though the fax machine said that it was sent without any problems. i really dont get that bitch, she needs to just do her goddamn job and leave me and my family the fuck alone. on the other hand i have talked to my g'ma about her getting custody of me. and i and gonna talk to her tonight about what she found out.i could be out by the beginning of june possibly. but beth said that she would stay untill her b-day and just leave then. i really feel bad about leaving her there though. i know its her decison and all but goddess it really sux ass. oh and another thing, lisa the bitch that runs monring star, ha ha, i could kill that fucking cunt right now. she hasnt ordered my supplies for my insulin pump yet this month, so i am still wearing the same quick set since um well about 6or 7 days, and its only supposed to be in for a max. of 4 days. she is so goddamn irrisponsable. and if i go to the hospital due to her, she will be fired. i fuckin promise that!!!! well i gots to go. i love everyone and miss all at rocky.

*hugs* love,
Jessica K.
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