So last night me and my girlfriend got the urge to hit up an EB Games. All the stores in her area close at 9, and by the time we got there it was a little past 8:30. So we get there and look around for a bit but there wasn't anything good. So we decide to race to another store before they close. On the way there we had to take a detour which brought us on the wrong side of the highway, then we got stuck in a lot of traffic once we finally got to the right side.
So we drive on the shoulder in order to get to Gamestop on time. I pick up Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow which just got re-released with a frankly, hillarious new cover.
DOS is actually the game I almost bought a DS for back when it was first released in 2004. I also considered only buying the game because I knew it would go out of print and become hard to find, so that if I ever got a DS I would have DOS.
Time for some CastleMANIA.