So I realize that I haven't posted here in, well, forever. For those of you wondering
I've been back in Chicagoland since Sunday night. I've got some pretty kick-ass classes and shows, too. Too bad they're all in March. I'm kind of going to die. I'm assistant light designing My Secret Language of Wishes with J, who is awesome. It's a mainstage, too! I'm helping Matty (Voell!) with Blood Wedding, which should be fun. I'm light designing the triple bill (three one-acts), too. Should be crazy. Here's what I've done so far since I've been back:
-Went to acting class with Liz (my soon-to-be roommate), which was actually really fun. Met Bill, a set designer who I now run into multiple times a day, which is weird.
-Went to lighting design class, which has SIX people in it and is taught by Heather, who is fantabulous.
-Hung out with Liz and Emily (other soon-to-be roomie) in Emily's room, had junk food, and watched Pride and Prejudice.
-Went to Intro to Costume Construction and learned that I can't sew for shit! w00t! Emily is also in this class and can't sew either, which is funny because she's a costume design major.
-Went out to lunch with J, Matty, Liz, and her friend (crap what's his name...) at this really cool place. Had an absolute BLAST. Matty and J started making lighting jokes, which made my life.
-Went to see Funny and Eve with Liz and Matty, which was amusing.
-Went to Intro to Set Construction with Liz and learned that it's a 4 hour class instead of a 2 hour class, which is what it said online.
-Went to Hi-Tea, which is an awesome thai place, with Liz. Got tea. Met Scott, our acting professor, and Phil, one of the kids in our acting class, there.
-Went to acting class.
-Went to lighting design.
-Talked to Heather (and Bill, who was in the room, see what I mean?) about doing foreign exchange somewhere, which I am completely set on doing. There are some theatre kids here this semester from London and Dublin (!!!), and Bill told me (at great length, haha) about his foreign exchange experience in Florence. I think Florence would be effing awesome!
-Went to Gay and Lesbian Studies. Yeah, that's right! It's going to be a really fun class.
-Had my friend Shani come over because her water wasn't working.
-Went to Intro to Costume Construction. Learned that I cannot follow a line. Also, I conquered the effing MONSTER industrial serger, which is an extremely scary machine.
-Helped Jill with her light hang for a bit. Matty was there, and after the hang was done, we went up to the computer lab, where J met up with us.
-Went to Potbelly's with Matty and J. Had a blast. Again.
There are also some
(Heather) No, guys, that show isn't weird. Napoleon, The Musical! is weird. I'm not kidding. I've designed it.
(J) And yeah, I was kind of getting vibes...
(Matty) From her, or from Chris? (note: Chris is a straight guy, as is J)
(J) ....
(me) *dies*
(J) ...
(Matty) WHAT?
(J) His DMX output doesn't fit my port, if you know what I mean.
(Matty) OH. *sadly* My fader's at 25%...
(me) *still ded*
(Tom, my costume prof) Look at this fabulous material! Isn't it FABULOUS?
(Matty) Do you want to have a bastard, Amber? (note: there's a gel color called 'bastard amber')
(J) Hung like Source 4! (note:
This is what he's talking about.)
(J) We have to get you up to Par. (note:
Par (J) Hey, baby! How 'bout a moving head?
(Matty) Is it intelligent?
(J) Yes, and it's got nice angle, too!
(me) How's the color?
(J) Lovely.
(Matty) I'll think about it.
*After singing A Whole New World (Matty being Princess Jasmine, J Aladdin) quite fabulously*
(Matty) And the best part is, I'll be in the Aladdin costume and you'll be Princess Jasmine!
this guy. (Tom) Now, be careful of the sergers. There are blades. Whirling blades.
(me) Of death?