Forever Bound In Chains.

Aug 09, 2010 07:14

My Life is Like a Burning Pool Of Death
Now COme inside and become posssessed
take my hand as you die slow
or did you not already know?
I am like a Liquid Poison
Wrapped inside deep coition
Do You Feel the Itch?
Do you hear me bitch?


I Only Exist when you smile
And as we know it has been a while
The Venom Drips Slow
I am your Keeper
Now Let your Body Go
Surrender yourself you belong to me
After all we are made of equality

Nothing else matters
Nothing of Importance
This is all of irrelevance

Do you feel the Cold inside
As your soul begins to die
Now you feel the pain
You to have now been slain
Let the poisons in
let your body go
The Pain will be forever Slow.

We Have been through Hell and back again
When will this ever end?
Never is the answer
This is like the dying cancer
The Smiles are worth it All
We are a Bond that will never Fall

When I say Forever
Forever is what I mean
Now come with me
Its time for an Adventure
Now give me your heart
With me it will not fall apart
I Will Hold it Close
Until the poison Subsides
Or Of Course
Until we Shall Die

Forever N Always
Your Poisonous Lover
Bound together
Like no other
Listen to me Now
Lets Never Break
Never Fall
I am yours Afterall

The river so sleak
the blood so thin
I will always Let you In
Death was Quick
Painful and Slow
After all

I am you
If you DOnt understand by now
Than these words will always fall
i give to you everything
Now take it all
Dont let it Sting
there is nothing more to bring
Are you confused?
after all.. I am YOU.