Mar 21, 2005 11:58
I’m feeling much better today. I think I was suffering from “hormonal-induced-paranoia”. Not to say that my feelings haven’t been valid, just amplified perhaps. Friday night Aaron went to bed early and I stayed up to watch TV. There was nothing on so I started flipping through the book he got from his workshop. You can do the “process” on your own using the book instead of going to the class. It actually has some really cool exercises in it. There is one I’m intrigued with that helps you get to the bottom of what you really want out of life. I could really use that! I’m feeling bored and trapped at work, probably because I’m stuck here because of the benefits, retirement, and pay! I always feel like I’m wasting my talents. Angie and I talk about it a lot - how we should have opened our own business. She still wants to give it all up and do it; I’m still a chicken. I have too much to risk. She has even more though! Anyway, I’m thinking of doing the workshop. I have concerns about my mental health and medical problems to be reassured about first. Besides, I’m convinced now that Aaron wasn’t TOTALLY brainwashed… there is still some of the “asshole” shining through. And yea, I woke up to dirty dishes Sunday morning…
I had a pretty nasty headache all weekend, so I tried to get as much sleep as I could. I worked for my mom all day Saturday, which just frustrates me because I want to get in there and tear up and re-organize the shop, but that would be a full-time-job and I just don’t have the time. I did some cleaning and reorganizing at home on Sunday instead. Aaron was gone all day yesterday (what else is new??) and I was pretty bitchy when he got home. Not necessarily at him, just in general. Of course he made the fatal mistake of saying “what’s your problem?”, instead of “Is everything ok, honey? Is there something I can do? A foot massage or gourmet meal perhaps?” When will he learn?
I feel pretty energetic today, more so than I have in days. I will definitely hit the gym with gusto tonight!! Still stuck at 140…