So, where do I start? Beware, this is probably going to be a really long post. I returned from New Orleans on Thursday afternoon and had an amazing trip. Before I left though, I went to Toronto with Matt on the Thursday to see Kryptopsy's drummer play a wicked solo at the MOCCA; then on Friday to the Falls to see Elevator 22 with
likeria, met my other ladies there, then left just in time to catch my plane (and miss SKNS).
We found an awesome goth metal bar in New Orleans called The Dungeon...the staff all loved us, it was great (they invited us back for Hallowe'en but I really have to start paying off my Visa before I go away on a plane again, haha) I loved it at The Dungeon, unfortunately they wouldn't allow us to take any pictures inside (some dumb rule) and then the bouncer Jimmy (who called me Little Miss Bounce-A-Lot) told me that I had to tone down my dancing because it was an old building and plaster from the ceiling below was falling into people's drinks because we were upstairs! LOL! There were other silly comments made to us, one of which was this lesbian girl asking me my sign then telling me that I must be psychotic if I got all my earrings done at once (not all, only a couple, but I did have all of them stretched at the same time)
I drank so many drinks while I was away full of tequila, sambuca, Witches Brew, Dragons Blood, etc. YUM YUM! I also ate alligator again too and the food was all excellent this time. We went on a boat cruise, streetcars, bus tour way out in the middle of some swamp (where we saw an accident off the highway with a dead bloody body wrapped in a blanket, that was interesting!)
I walked back to the hotel alone from the bar at 5:30am the one night after stepping in goddamn horse crap and drunkenly talking to a 2-inch cockroach (don't even ask!), they said I'd be ok as long as I avoided Jackson Square where the homeless kids are. I stepped over a few bums sleeping in doorways and encountered a couple completely loaded old guys waddling across the street (they obviously wouldn't have had enough energy to attack me even if they'd wanted to), all in all the walk alone was quite refreshing. I met up with Boon just a block from my hotel (the Pinhead looking manager from The Dungeon) who offered to walk me back but there was no need anymore.
So yeah, it was a great trip. I went swimming every morning, bought a skull bikini, drank & ate more than I thought I ever could, and had fun out the yinyang...although I did definitely miss Angie & Tania being there this time around. If anyone wants to see some of the pix and I haven't e-mailed 'em to ya yet, just let me know ;)
Then what else?
Thursday night MJ & I went down to the Falls again for a bunch of shots, smokes, drinks and happy fun in the cemetery and other places :)
Friday I hung out with Abe, James, Fitz, etc. for a bit, they had all invited me to go see Land of the Dead with them but instead I went home to shower then totally pass out for 13 hours (I guess the 5 hours sleep from the 2 prior consecutive nights was not enough to keep me going, lol). Actually I had plans to go see Land of the Dead 3 times and since 2 of those fell through, I'm going tomorrow night. YEAH, I love gore!!!
Last night I went to see Malori Knoxx play then to Red Square...Ross & Justin came out with Janet & Crystal which was cool, so did the Americans. I wore the crazy new Slayer dress that I bought in New Orleans (dude told me that it was the last one from one of their tours) Woohoo!!! :)
Back to work tomorrow...BAH!!!!