Nov 13, 2003 10:49
Well first I'll start off with probably the weirdest dream I've had by far, I hd it last night.
I remember being over Greg luty's house, for band practice, and josh dougherty was there, but I didn't have my guitar. And greg didn't have any extra ones, well he did, but they were weird and like taken apart and stuff, so we could have practice (Keep in mind were not even in a band) so after that we went upstairs and there were all these toy guns everywhere and there was one on the stove, I picked it up and it broke in my hands and then gregs dad started yelling at me saying that that one was being fixed, so I said I was sorry. Then I left and I was standing in the middle of the street and the "C dale" crew started coming up the street, except it was a slightly modified version of the C dale crew..... There was Joe Marley, Shannon Hodges, Robbie Hodges, Eric Maitlyan (?), Tina Weinblatt, Kevin Belville, and Vince. And it was REallylylyy weird because all of them were wearing leather jackets with spikes in them and Joe had dread locks, So we walked up the street next to Pusey park and were heading towards the tracks, and since I haven't been able to hang out with any of them for a while they were all weird around me. Tina told me to go home and I started to leave but then Eric grabbed me and said to stay, so I did. Then all of the sudden a guy started to unlock this gate leading towards the car place, and there was a soda machine on the other side, so everyone ran over to get some soda, everyone was making these weird requests like strawberry cream sodaand vanilla mountain dew and the guy was making all these sodas and then we started walking down the street and I came to my old house, and I walked in, and like, I don't know why but my mom was in there and we started talking about junior prom, she said she didn't want me going because there was too much sugar there and she didn't trust me, and we started fighting (Verbally) So I ran out of the house and I ran on the train tracks and started riding this cart with this dog attached (I told you this dream was weird) and I started riding it down the tracks because I had to go to This place down the way. My mom stopped me at the Clifton field, which was weird because It felt like I was travelling so far and I only made it to Clifton Field.... So I had to get in my moms car and she took me home and said I was grounded, so I snuck out the window and was in like this summer camp place, with random people that I knew and didn't know, so I went into this building wehre everyone was staying at the summer camp and I had to find out where I would be sleeping and my bed was right next to my friend Danielle Morgans bed, so then I started talking to the people about missing my junior prom and evedently I was supposed to be going with my first (Serious) girlfriend Brittany McGarry (I forget if it's one "R" or two "R"s) and we all sat down at this table and like my morning alarm started going off and in my dream I was like "I have to go eat dinner now"..... And then I woke up
I am beginning to find my Dreams very entertaining....
Anyways I've been sick for like a month and haven't been able to get on the computer much so I guess I'll update now.
I'll update in a way of just stating things that have been going on in little sentences.
I got paid, 250 dollars, and then with taxes taken out I made 210
I got 6 new playstation games with my money
1. Dino Chrisis
2. Dino chrisis 2
3. MTV music generator
4. Resident evil 2
5. Resident evil 3
6. Final fantasy 7
I saved 80 dollars from my pay and don't have any money left to spend
I got perscribed to an inhaler for having a bronchitis virus
I've been in the house for about 2 weeks now
I haven't been to Collingdale in at least a month
I am having a hard time keeping in touch with my friends
I am only on the schedule 1 time this week
Sat: 3 to 9
So that's basically all I have for now, I'll try and do a better job with updating and whatnot now that I'm getting better.