Title: A One-Sided Conversation - Smiling
Fandom: FE7
Character/Pairing: RathWil, Rebecca
Genre: Humor, I suppose
Word Count: 147
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Crack
Summary: Rath's smiling, Wil's smiling; Rebecca knows something's up.
Notes: Because there was actually a point in time when I wrote something other than angst. Really.
Wil is smiling. While this isn’t an unusual occurrence in itself, it’d be odder if Wil wasn’t smiling, he’s smiling far too broadly for it to be normal. And his cheeks are a very interesting shade of pink, so that’s a dead give away that something happened.
Rath is also smiling. Only a little, but he almost never smiles, and to show it off so plainly to everyone else is practically unheard of.
They both just came back from practicing archery. Together. And Rebecca really doubts they were actually practicing archery.
Rebecca’s not stupid; she can put two and two together.
She walks right up to Rath, though waits ‘till no one else is around, and speaks, oddly calm.
“If you got Wil pregnant, I’ll kill you.”
She walks off, acting like nothing out of the ordinary happened, leaving a now very confused Rath staring after her.
The sad thing is, I'm still amused by this, even though I've read it like 15,000 times.
Oh, blegh, fixed HTML.