Dec 05, 2006 11:42
The height of irony and hypocrisy! Censorship on LJ? By one who is suing about censorship? For shame!
As punishment, I will weigh in on this issue. There is a group at RIC who last year posted signs about women's reproductive rights. The signs read "Keep your rosaries off our ovaries." Nothing new, nothing spectacular. Apparently, the chaplain of the college was offended by the signs and complained to the administration. According to the administration, the sings were not in a properly designated area, and this was used as justification to remove them. Legal battle ensues.
Does the women's group have a right to post signs as a form of peaceful demonstration? Yes, of course. I don't know if they were in a proper or improper area, but provided that they were in the right space, they should have remained up. This does not change the fact, however, that the signs are highly offensive to one specific faith; catholicism.
Catholics are not the only Christian or religious group that does not condone abortion, so singling them out is somewhat unfair and vitriolic. They should have been worded differently, or at least changed to be less spiteful while retaining their overall message.
We have had feminist campaigns at Brown. I've actually liked them. The last one I can recall were T-shirts reading, "This is what a feminist looks like." The idea being that those that would not normally be seen as feminists wear them (men, non-stereotypical women). Demonstrations at Brown are....frequent to say the least, but few of them have such direct anger and disrespect for the opposition as seen in the above case.
But hell, who cares, do what you want, this isn't about RIC or signage or whatever. This is about LJ free speech. In one of the women involved in this RIC affair's journal, she made an entry about the case. I commented saying, "What? Is the Catholic church suing you for slander?" as a joke, hoping to get a flame war out of it for the hell of it. What happens? The comment was promptly deleted and yours truly banned(b&) from commenting.
Ironic, no? Think about it.