[Actually this is a side-note, and not the original post]
Spent a fair amount of money into learning Japanese over the past few months. Here's where some of that money went:
More comics!: Went to Book Off recently and bought a handful of Japanese comics to read.
Swap Magic + Fliptop Cover: So I can actually try out Japanese games for once. The PS2 emu, though very good, just doesn't cut it. Though I still haven't gotten any games working for it so far.
iPod Touch 4: Well, mainly got this since my old 5th gen iPod Classic started acting funny. Figured it was time to get a new player. Since I don't plan on getting a smart phone, I figure that I could use my iPod for the "smart" part of it and install apps. Of course, I got flash card and various other apps for learning Japanese.
[End side note]
Now for the real part of the main post, and why it's so random:
I also put some raw Amagami SS episodes on my iPod, so I've been watching that to work on Japanese listening ability. I found a couple songs from the BGM that I liked, and wanted to share the links (and also use this post as a memo to myself :P)
After the ShowerThe Place I Met You Seriously would like to learn to play these, but can't seem to find the sheets.
The other random note: I was thinking about how I needed a chabudai gaeshi emoticon, so was searching google for one and I ran across IT. アニメ最萌トーナメント. End of story.