I wanted to try out Scala (mostly to have a real programming language on Android), but I've run into a snag: the compiler is much too slow. I was OK with Scala 2.7.x on my desktop at work (4-core 3GHz
Woodcrest-a Xeon version of Core 2), but 2.8.x on my laptop (2-core 1.6GHz Core Duo) was insanely slow--105 seconds to compile a 6-line program. (Four lines of content, two lines of closing brackets.) I tried dropping the laptop to 2.7.x, and that gets compilation time down to 18s; but even that is just too slow to put up with.
(I wanted to try it on my home desktop, but its boot drive has failed again. Not that it'd matter, really; nearly all my personal hacking time is on the train, which means the laptop.)