Jan 13, 2010 18:19

It's pathetic how quickly our society gets tired of disasters. At 11:00 this morning, "Haiti" was a trending topic on Twitter; now, at 6:10, it's not. EDIT 2: "Pants On the Ground" has replaced "Haiti" as the #1 trending topic, and I have screencap proof so I know I'm not nuts.

Now, to be fair, "YELE" and "Red Cross" are still trending topics. But so are "American Idol" and "#ghettoremedies". Which means that there are just as many people out there who are worried about who's going to make it on American Idol as there are people who are tweeting about a country in desperate, desperate need of help.

I find that disappointing.

I know I'm not always the most socially conscious, and I'm guilty of self-absorption at times. But 2% of Haiti's population died in that earthquake. If 2% of America died, that would be 1.5 million people (for reference, 2973 people died in the September 11th attacks-that's .0009778% the population of the United States. The death toll of the Haiti earthquake is more than 500 times that of September 11th). Their president is homeless. Their president, the most powerful man in the governmental body, is homeless. If their president is homeless, can you even imagine how the poorest must be faring?

And we're tweeting about American Idol.

I dunno.

This is really just a post to vent my own frustration, and while I respect that not everyone will have the same viewpoint as me, right now isn't really a time that I want to take to debate the subject. I'll leave comments on, because I do want to hear your thoughts, but I'm not up for an in-depth debate right now.

fuck all this for a game of soldiers, the world is incredible, what is this fuckery, stuff you should read

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