A lot of people for some reason have been asking me lately how I end up being friends with so many people who are so cool. Like knowing people who know
Sabrina &
Raven (idk how that one relates to me but whatever), how I'm friends with
hamlet_machine and
dual_avi and
ronsard and other such fantastic individuals.
I usually give an answer like "Oh I don't know I just like talking to people!!" which is true, but doesn't actually make any mention of the motivation behind why I do.
But I think I figured it out. I subconsciously make a point to surround myself with people who are extremely talented and amazing to make up for the fact that I am neither amazing nor particularly talented at anything.
Facts of life. I am a rather mediocre individual when it comes down to it. I'm not actually feeling particularly depressed right now, just sort of apathetic, I guess.
As an aside, welcome
5cmprince &
thepapermouse, sorry my first post is so weird and morose!