Okay so half my family is Polish and the other half is Portuguese, and I have some Italian in there too, so all in all my family generally really likes to eat. xD; I used to cook a lot, but lately not so much, so I'm trying to brush up on my cooking skills!
Tonight I made honey walnut shrimp, which is extremely delicious. It's like, egg-white-and-flour-breaded deveined/peeled shrimp, fried in vegetable oil and coated in a sauce that's 2 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp sweetened condensed milk, and 1/4 cup mayonnaise. I also made fresh iceberg lettuce salad with red peppers, cucumber, green onion and tomato, with raspberry-lime vinaigrette dressing. And! To top it off, double-chocolate brownies for dessert. Mmmm.
Tomorrow night is fettuccini noodles with alfredo sauce from scratch and grilled chicken breast. (: I'm not sure what kind of side I'll have with that .. what goes well with fettuccini alfredo?
It's kind of hard to see due to shitty lighting and wrinkly band-aid skin, but I sliced off a chunk of skin on my thumb while I was slicing a head of lettuce for the salad (: