Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oct 21, 2010 01:42

  • brimtoast: [in podficmeta] Fear of discovery - My opinion, which seems not to be shared by many people, is that voices are not distinct enough for this to be a genuinely scary prospect [...]. I feel like someone could discover my podfic, listen to it, bring it to me saying "IS THIS YOU?" [...] and I could say, "Nope, definitely not me. -

    (tags: podfic)

  • axelrod: From what I'm hearing, the WisCon Troika - From what I'm hearing, the WisCon Troika have fumbled the E. Moon thing and it's all a clusterfuck of well-intentioned white feminist liberalism without any action.Third wave feminism: you're doing it wrong. Not that many people actually get it right anyway. Or maybe third wave feminism is all about saying the right things and getting your ally points and shit? -

    (tags: cons feminism)
  • me_ya_ri: Writng Thoughts: Habits of the Mind (Writing Meta-y Post) - Writing is a craft, in my opinion, not an art. -

    (tags: writing)

  • pandarus: Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls... - upon reflection what appeals to me about slash is also what appeals to me about crossovers; taking the details of canon and putting a spin on them that makes perfect sense, even if it's not the lens through which canon is intended to be viewed. -

    (tags: slash fanfic)

  • paraka: The Fannish Life of a Podficer - Podfic is still a newly popular(ish) thing. A lot of us are still stumbling around trying to decide how this is going to work. The podfic community is talking it out and deciding how we want things but there certainly isn't universal agreement (is there ever? :P). And the problem is, that the podficers and listeners are only 2/3 of the interested parties. -

    (tags: podfic)
  • nihilistic_kid: Monday Quick Notes - my guess is that this digging in of heels would have happened over something else if not Moon, because old orders never go quietly and because there was some underlying level of intergenerational resentment-not necessarily about age, but about some notion of putting in time-between more recent and more experienced members of the so-called "community." -

    (tags: cons community feminism)

  • laceblade: Process: It sucks - I get weirded out when people say things like "WisCon thinks" or "WisCon says" - what does that even mean? I consider WisCon to be its entire membership, not just the ConCom. Even if it is the ConCom, who could possibly define what the ConCom thinks? I certainly have no idea. -

    (tags: cons)
  • nojojojo: Wiscon: I'm done. - What this incident has exposed is a serious, and possibly fatal, flaw in WisCon itself. The decision to keep a bigot as Guest of Honor -- and the decision to delay or avoid reconsidering that decision -- means that WisCon isn't actually committed to the principles of intersectionality, social justice for all, equality, or respect, which are all ostensibly part and parcel of the modern feminist movement. -

    (tags: cons feminism oppression privilege)
  • karnythia: On Wiscon - She said it, she stood by it. Itis time to hold her accountable. It is not time to engage in yetanother exercise in white privilege and patriarchy by insisting thatthe people she maligned prove their worth to her. Or pay to supporther presence at this event. -

    (tags: cons oppression privilege)
  • godofwine: (I actually said the other day I'd like to find some LJ people who hate me. Um.) - I generally am not someone who ever engages in this kind of LJ debate because I'm usually pretty private about these things, and ok, mostly because I'm sadly too lazy to type out the whole thing. But I'm posting today because I find [info]the_moonmoth's "I am right, and you are wrong to disagree" language deeply problematic (and actually, personally offensive), and my instinct (or rather my fear) is that it's not going to be pointed out because we're so sympathetic to her feelings of outrage and to the issue she raises (whether it's actually applicable or not). -

    (tags: fanfic racism discussions)

  • lotesse: meta: convergences (reparative reading/stereotypical female characters - the core assumption the chart makes it that if there's a girl on tv, there's got to be something wrong with her. Which is a tremendously unproductive way to think about lingering problems in the portrayal of girls on tv - because it's too easy to shift from ferreting out the things that are wrong with the shows to exposing all the things that are wrong with the girls. -

    (tags: gender characters criticism feminism)
  • the_moonmoth: I'm torn between rageful flailing and a defeated sigh - I'm mad because this is a blatant example of hipster racism and I kind of thought fandom was more grown up than that these days.I'm mad because she can walk away unaffected, and "agree to disagree" without it ruining her day or having any kind of material effect on her. -

    (tags: racism fanfic)
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