[OOC :: Application]

Dec 22, 2009 12:50

User Name/Nick: Becky
User LJ: theartema
AIM/IM: Megumi Sendo
E-mail: theartema@gmail.com
Other Characters: N/A

Character Name: The (Meta Crisis) Doctor/Dr John Smith
Series: Doctor Who
Age: Mentally? Well over nine hundred. Physically he appears to be in his early-to-mid-thirties, but is technically... a lot less than that.
From When?: Five months after being left at Bad Wolf Bay with Rose and Jackie Tyler by the original Tenth Doctor. It's been speculated that, in Ten's final episodes on DW, the Meta Crisis will be affected by the original's injury and regeneration and will have keeled over due to their having a shared link.

Inmate/Warden: Inmate. He was "born" in the heat of battle and treated to a baptism by fire where he committed genocide by destroying the Dalek Empire. Declared "too dangerous to be left on his own" by the Doctor, he personifies the dark side of the man, the vengeance and fury of a Time Lord with a willingness to destroy those who've crossed him, even if it means wiping out an entire species.

So yeah. He needs some help. :S


Half-human, half-Time Lord, he shares some of the drawbacks and advantages of both species.

His body is mostly human, wired into the mind of a Time Lord. Having only one heart, he lacks the Time Lords' most powerful defense against the march towards inevitable death: he is incapable of regeneration. The Meta Crisis will age and eventually die like a normal human being.

He tires more easily than his counterpart and requires a longer sleep cycle to rest. Where a Time Lord's internal temperature generally falls around 60°F, his hangs around the close to boiling perfectly acceptable human's 98.6°F. Any greater healing capacity that he might have had has been diminished and his susceptibility to illness and extremes in temperature are more in line with that of a healthy human adult.

His senses remain heightened, though not to the same degree of the Doctor's. The Meta Crisis requires glasses for reading and has to content himself with a mass spectrometer rather than simply licking things if he's aiming to analyze the chemical makeup of anything.

Mentally, he remains the Doctor's equal. His brain capacity is well beyond a normal human's, allowing him to store and draw upon the hundreds of years of knowledge and memories that were grafted onto him in the wake of his generation from the Doctor's spare hand (more on that below). He has retained the full spectrum of his telepathic abilities.


A (mostly) identical clone of the Doctor, to himself he is no one but the Doctor, damn his bloody single heart and all the human baggage that has come with it. The Meta Crisis' persona is wide-ranging, even more so than his counterpart. It was the presence of Donna Noble during his generation that allowed him to fully come into being, and he was also imbued with a little of her own quirky personality as a result.

Relatively affable as a default, though much more subdued than the Tenth Doctor, he has a curious nature that is not easily quenched in the (relatively speaking) confining environment of planet earth. Wanderlust nips constantly at his heels and he can be easily bored by the ritual of the daily grind.

Prone to a greater emotional instability than his Time Lord equivalent, the darkness that lurks within the other man is but a hair's breadth from the Meta Crisis' surface, covered up by his gregarious nature and honest desire to do what is right. What is right, however, might just include more than a little of the ends justifying the means. Second chances? Phht. Clearly they blew it the first time; why let them muck it up again?

When the pendulum swings over to this aspect of his personality, he can be highly impatient, rude, cold even to close acquaintances and completely unpredictable. Emotional manipulation is not out of the realm of possibility and his egocentric nature is ramped up to the extreme. Cynicism haunts him even in the best of times, as does a deep bitterness that is finds its primary focus on the Tenth Doctor in light of his death and subsequent removal to the Barge.

Back on the alternate earth, his saving grace thus far had been Rose Tyler. To say that he loves her is an understatement- she is his everything, his anchor point in the world. The Tenth Doctor wasn't lying when he said the Meta Crisis needed her; he needs that influence, that closeness, that trust, her stubborn refusal to let him go to his self-destructive whims.

That is not to say that he needs the Barge's Rose. Quite the opposite. She isn't his Rose. His Rose he's spent months with, their relationship hard-won in the aftermath of his continuing adjustment to human life and the necessity of working through more than one contentious issue. He's completely devastated by his premature death and placement on the Barge, considering it another promise broken to Rose that they could spend the rest of their lives together.

Path to Redemption:

The Meta Crisis Doctor thrives on autonomy, resenting the implication of authority but respecting it when he has a logical reason to do so. He will not respect a Warden, even his own, straight out the gate- he doesn't even believe that he belongs on the Barge in the first place. Had he not been affected by the Tenth Doctor's regeneration into his Eleventh form and allowed to continue on in Pete's World with Rose, this sentiment would have proved true.

A Warden first and foremost must be capable of standing up to the force of his personality as he can easily steamroller over anyone too slow, dull or timid for him to take note of. Excursions onto port worlds are an absolute must and a Warden unafraid of adventure will quickly earn his seal of approval.

Good luck hiding from him the fact that there's multiple TARDISes on board. It's in everyone's best interests that he not be allowed near them or any other device which might have reality/time-space altering properties- ultimately his biggest priority in the beginning is to leave the Barge and get back to Rose, whatever the cost. He will absolutely stop at nothing to ensure this and is unafraid to get his hands dirty in pursuit of such a goal. Though everyone needs time to themselves, constant isolation will only hinder him. It's important he be social and get to know and connect with both his Warden and others on the ship.

Rose acted as his moral compass and confidante and as it stands, being put on the ship is actually an initial set back in the progress he made thus far. Once the initial shock and realization sets in, he'll have begun to close himself off once more as a defense mechanism. Never one to talk about his feelings, it took months on the alternate earth for him to finally, truly open up to Rose, someone he's known for years. His Warden must be in it for the long haul.

History: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Meta-Crisis_Tenth_Doctor

-In the time following his being left at Bad Wolf Bay with Rose, he's had five months to adapt to life without time-and-space traveling. He's been working at Torchwood with Rose in their R&D department for the latter three months, under his favoured pseudonym of Doctor John Smith.

Sample Journal Entry:

It's bloody obvious that I shouldn't have attended. Yep. Quite right. Of course. Earth's first real/true/absolutely-for-certain First Contact with a non-hostile alien species for positively really reals has no place in it for a hybrid Gallifreyan/human mucking about in the background. This is Pete's song and dance, not mine.

Except it was painful just to watch! Watch! Me! And not even in the same room for heaven's sake! "Live feed", that'll be the day. There was a thirty-second time delay in that stupid feed, probably a shoddy cover for the inept translator. Blew the device and who do they come running to for a fix? Me. Yep.

"Doctor Smith, the audio input's been knocked out!" Well yes, What's-your-name Eddington, I could've told you that would happen, the Gamma Cygni's telepathic electrosonic field frying a receiver via the resonating wavelengths but as I recall my advice at the time the translators were cobbled together wasn't wanted.

Rose calls it "MacGyvering". I call it bloody lucky her earring hoops were titanium and I didn't need a screwdriver to pry the back of the telly off.

Sample RP:

There was something wrong about the day. He couldn't put a finger on it, couldn't pin it down to any one thing that made it so, he just knew that it was wrong and he was waiting, waiting for something.

For what? The other shoe to drop, the Doctor thought grimly when his second pen of the day began to leak over his notes, smearing ink across an incomplete thought that rose as a half-moon within a hexagon on the yellow legal pad. He had to laugh at the notion immediately -really, what kind of portent of doom was that, leaky Bic pens- but there remained an unfulfilled promise lurking, it seemed, in the spaces between the passing minutes.

Rose had answered on the second ring. Just a migraine, really she was all right, was it so necessary to phone her not an hour after having seen her at lunch? Every hour after that? Fusspot.

The end of the work day couldn't come fast enough. He realized halfway out the elevator that he'd forgotten his coat and hesitated until the door buzzed impatiently at him. Mid-December was a bit of a bad time to go without one, particularly when he still had a walk to the Tube ahead of him. No snow that year, likely not even for Christmas.

Back in the lab, he raised his hand in a sheepish half-wave at the remaining tech on the way to his office.

"Left my coat. Still finishing your report, Gladstone?"

Special Notes:

Admittedly I've had to speculate a LOT when it comes to Meta!Ten. D: A lot of his personality, of course, comes from Ten (particularly with a nod to his rather frightening as hell ego in Waters of Mars) as well as from Nine and Donna. I was also very struck by how closed off he seemed on the beach in Journey's End and the look he shared with Rose didn't come across as a neat, happy-now-let's-go-shag-yaaay kind of deal to me. Thick tension was thick.

I should really feel more guilty about making him an inmate, poor bb. OH WELL.

Also though I've referred to him multiple times in my app as "The Meta Crisis", he will always think of himself and refer to himself as the Doctor and will expect the same of everyone else. His pseudonym is just that, a pseudonym. People wanting to offend him are totally welcome to call him any variety of nickname based on his point of origin as Ten's right hand, though. So many bad puns...

[ooc] application

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