
Feb 07, 2010 04:51

[Private, written]

I make it a rule never to deal in goodbyes. They're awkward. Painful, really, with a finality that is always uncomfortable and truth-be-told oftentimes bloody well not final at all.

That's the trouble with traveling in time. You can so easily put the past behind you, only to find it once more in the ever-uncertain future. A grasp of what-might-be and knowing the firmaments of Time can only help you so much; it all catches up to you again or you finally have to delve once more into an unknown that is, for the first time in a long time, terrifying instead of wonderful in its mystery.

He broke the rule. He came to say goodbye and it felt like an ending to something, the closing of a door and the locks sliding into place. I don't have to sense possibility anymore to understand that; to remember that's how it has been and always will be.

Stubborn and idealistic and so bloody-minded as we are, I'm glad that we finally came to see some sort of eye to eye, even if it was at the last possible nanosecond.

I forgive you, Doctor. For leaving Rose and I to an uncertain fate on that frigid beach; for what you did, had to do to Donna; for your moment of desperation in thinking you could save just one more person and alter the very fabric of history.

Maybe you'll forgive me for not warning you of what's to come.

team ten squared, companions always leave, conflicted much?

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