The state of this place is pathetic. There was so much promise when I arrived, all dashed to nothing and by what?
A few worthless inmates. So noble, so self-sacrificing, so overwrought by your consciences and committed to valor. So inspired.
So futile.
[Private; Voice]
Never this. I never thought it would ever come to this. Everything's wrong, my entries have changed, my cabin has changed...
[Sigh, the quick sound of hair being run through fingers]
There's a TARDIS here. [oddly quiet, sorrowful] I can hear her calling to me like an old, dear friend and it's all wrong, she's wrong. He's mutilated her and she hurts.
I can fix her, I can. Fix her, remove the paradox machine he's built into her for... I don't even want to know what he's done to warrant that, twisted the universe into knots. I can fix her and leave, go home. Abandon this bloody barge and all its problems.
[draws a breath over his teeth, dropping his glasses onto the desk]
He'd do that, wouldn't he? Valeyard. [another breath, shaking] Oh Rose.
[Private to the Tenth Doctor]
It's time you got out more, Doctor.
[Refugee Filter]
Anyone need anything while I'm skulking about like a big nance in a dress?
ETA: I'm getting the Master. If anyone's got a problem with this, they can write out a comment card.
((ooc: All right, the Meta Crisis is back in action thanks to Tal, Inara, McCoy, Cobra Commanderrrrr and SPACE MAGIC of AWESOME. He's not quite to full steam just yet but BIG DAMN HEROES complex and all that. :| Anyone who's affected will have known him as the
Valeyard. Rundown: Instead of willingly being left behind in Pete's World with Rose, the Meta Crisis went psychotic, killed the Tenth Doctor, stole the TARDIS, went back to see the Sixth Doctor in the Trial of a Time Lord business where he summarily won and got his Time Lordness back as well as all of the Doctor's remaining regenerations. So he's almost immortal.
He then proceeded to remake the universe as he saw fit and to fix the Doctor's "mistakes". He destroyed the Daleks and Gallifrey well before the Time War, fucked up the Earth, has a God-complex the size of Jupiter and likes to skulk around in
robes like a pimp. ph33r. Oh and he was probably a Warden on the other ship. D:))