(no subject)

Nov 14, 2006 16:45

- Make a post (public, friends locked, filtered...whatever you're comfortable with) to your LJ. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, From Little to big.

-Surf around your friends list to see who has posted their list. And now here's the important part:
If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true! Sometimes someone's trash is another's treasure, and if you have something you dont use that another wants, or perhaps the spare funds on hand, to give. The point of this isn't to put people out, or go broke or whom gets the most wishes fufilled, Is a chance to grant some one's a wish out of the goodness of your heart, because you have something to spare. There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just...wish, and it might come true. Give, and you migh treceive. And you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.

-Include your contact info (email for shipping, addy) whatever/however you are comfortable with, just in case some one dose have a physical object from your wishlist they wish to send you.

- If you have a holiday wishlist too, Link it in this post! remember the point of this is to give!

I'm only doing this as someone asked me to. If you want to send me something, email me at metachaos @ gmail . com and I'll give you my address. I doubt I'll get much, but, oh well.

  1. Dragons!! I don't what they look like or what they are.
  2. Really cushy slippers. I mean, with enough padding that if an elephant wore them and stepped on you, you wouldn't know it.
  3. Anything on my Amazon Wishlist or books or movies you think I might like. I don't care if they are new.
  4. Art!
  5. Anything you think I might like. =)
  6. Enough very soft wool yarn in dark or dusty, cool colors (purple, blue, green) to make a sweater for a 54" chest.
  7. Nintendo DS Lite and a cool game for it.
  8. Any of the game systems I don't have yet, new or used or old (GameCube, XBox, XBox 360, PS3, or any of the old systems besides the PlayStation)
  9. Nintendo WII and Zelda: Twilight Princess.
  10. A laptop that can run Windows and Visual Studio 2005 at a good speed (it would need quite a bit of ram, 1+ GB of it).

wish list

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