Jun 26, 2010 17:50
#1) Sometimes you are lucky to be alive. This afternoon, that's me.
#2) Sometimes you are lucky to have a loving, supporting family that wants you to do better, and challenges you by taking steps to make sure your head is in the right place. Sometimes you want to die listening to the things they have to say about you and your decisions. But you listen anyway. This afternoon, that's me.
#3) Sometimes, you have friends who go beyond the call of duty to help you out and ensure your security and safety. In times of crisis, these so called "best friends" are the ones that reserve their judgments and criticisms for a later time, in favor of knowing that you are OK, in favor of being there as a brother or a sister. This afternoon, that's me.
#4) Finally, sometimes you stumble upon a single individual who has great power over your emotions. Sometimes you do whatever you can to ensure their safety and the safety of your relationship with that person. Sometimes you go overboard, make wrong choices, forget to stop and think - sometimes you can find yourself to be hurt or alone because of such an individual. These matters, however, do not pale in comparison to the real bond of love that can be shared - the part that stretches beyond the heart, the part that reaches through and formulates one word: soulmate. This soulmate finds their way into your life regardless of situations. It cannot be controlled, it cannot be contained, and it certainly cannot be measured. Sometimes you find yourself with your soulmate at your weakest moments - or theirs. Or both. Frequently they are the only person you can think of in times of crisis. Their voice alone is all that is needed. Plainly - sometimes they are just there, through thick and thin, through years and years of trauma, tension but also affection, support and happiness. They are your best friend - your rock. You can be lucky in a lifetime to meet someone like that, and regardless of finality or outcome with this soulmate, the bottom line is that they are always there for you. Sometimes you have a soulmate. This afternoon - that's me.
I don't know if this is it for me. There is still so much learning in my life to do. Sometimes shit happens, honestly. This is my chance to really accept and move on. But I am grateful for my life, I am happy to be breathing and intact today, I am grateful for my parents, I grateful for my best friends, and I am grateful for having a man in my life that will sit at my bedside when I am at my weakest and tell me to breathe, and keep my head up. People will say whatever they'd like to say - they don't know the love I have. Last night and this afternoon I experienced a lot of love, some of it tough, from all ends of the spectrum. It all hurts so good.
Everyone that my heart aches for has proven their worth to me now.
All that's left for me to do is prove my worth to them.
Thank you to anyone that has ever given me guidence.