Oct 16, 2006 10:04
Going on now 4 months with out a personal computer is actually a little bit depressing. I didn't realize truly how many people I communicate to only with e-mails and blogging. The end is in sight though. I am holding off until the holiday sales start, so the new laptop will be arriving sometime shortly after Thanksgiving. Mean while I use Dean's brand new mega machine with caution and truly it is rare for him not to be on it himself.
We are amazing! Still in the same building, but moved in to a one bedroom over a week ago now. The space was much needed. We actually were doing great in the studio, but it was the little things. Plus this means there is more space for you Portlanders to come up here and visit us!
Work is ever the same unsure as always of my plans, but I am still searching out school options. Simply do not want to do the UW Theater program and unsure then where to go because it looks like we will be staying in Seattle at least another year, but we know we will not stay here permanently.
We just had pictures taken of us by a fab friend of mine named Leo. I will post them as soon as I get some back. I know it seems silly, but freinds and family were asking and Leo offered for free (keep in mind Leo is a paid professional photographer)
My favorite shots are the ones by the wall of Ivy that is all emblazoned with fall colors. Can't wait to show all of you!
I have been very into cooking over the last couple of month. Now that I have another mouth in the house it is fun, plus we make a pretty good team. I made squash soup and roasted a chicken in apple juice, onions, new potatoes, acorn squash, with a ton of seasoning and roasted garlic. It all went wonderful with Dean's home brewed huckleberry beer! The beers are getting better and better!
Three friends all with babies, Lisa Hudspeth gave birth to beautiful baby Bryaden. Heather Dolan to baby Gavin who is the sweetest looking little sleeper, and my friend Sarah who gave brith to handsome Adicus just over two weeks ago. Sarah, Adicus and myself are going out for a little afternoon outing today that I am thoroughly looking forward to. Devin and Joss are prepping for their new baby who will be due in late spring 2007.
I have a delightful birthday this year. All though nothing seems to come close to my 24th. I have seen a lot of my family lately and have needed that more then I even realized. The house is all Holloweened out, while Dean deals with my fanaticism over this holiday, it kinda helped to make the new place seems very warm and homey. I have two costumes this year. One is a witch outfit for work and the other a very saucy pirate costume. We will be gone to the oregon coast the end of October to celebrate Dean's 30th birthday, his Sister Jen's birthday and I guess what would officially be a year that Dean has put up with me :-)
Come join us up here soon. There is much to do!