I went down to essex and met my two step-sisters for the first time on friday. For those of you that follow my journal you'll know the significance of that. We spent the whole time talking about all kinds of things.
I dont think theres an awful lot I can say other than that I'm fairly certain it went well.
They both came across as being lovely -well adjusted- people and I hope it wasnt just out of politeness as I'd enjoy seeing both of them and dad again at some point in (hopefully) the not too distant future.
Dont really know what else to post, I'm just glad that I've finally had the chance to meet them.
As I left Southend and headed back home, I had that kind of feeling that you get when you're really intensely invovled in reading a book and you reach the end of a chapter and have to put it down for a bit? It also felt like a weight of worry had been lifted from my shoulders. I guess in the history of my life 18/07/08 is going to be one of those landmark dates.
I wonder if life still has any big mysteries left for me after this one? lol.
[edit] Also heres a picture that Mandy (Amanda) drew on my comp using the tablet I've got that I had with my laptop when I went down.
pretty good I thought.