Aug 17, 2007 15:28
Yeah... The Volunteer State... I think that's a pretty stupid state nickname too.
It's blooding fucking hot. Blarg. My day hasn't been overly productive. I woke up around 06:30 (04:30 for you Pacific Standard Time folks), showered and got ready for my day, got Maddisyn dressed for school and yelled at Michael to quit sleeping since he planned on heading into campus with me again. We headed out, got Maddisyn some chocolate milk from Starbucks, per her request, then dropped her off at class. Michael and I then went and got ourselves a light snack and some chai from Starbucks (the line was too long when we initally went with Maddisyn), then headed over to the bookstore so that I could pick up my statistics book, which was more expensive than I anticipated. *grumble* Oh well. Josh and I ordered the book for my Topics in Animal Behavior course (specifically, Animal Communication and Signaling) already, so that should arrive in the next few days.
After picking up my statistics book (which pretty much looks like the same course I took last fall at UPS, but that's ok, since I expected as much, and a review never hurts and certainly helps to pad the GPA, heh) Michael and I went up to my office to find that although facilities has cleaned and waxed my office floor (per the email the department secretary sent to me yesterday afternoon) they never bothered returning any of my furniture. *grumble* So, Michael and I ended up having to move my office furniture again. We tried heading to Schlotsky's (Mmm!) for lunch, but they weren't open, so instead we went to a eye glass place to see if my insurance would allow me to purchase my glasses through them so that I could finally get my new glasses. Unfortunately, they would not take my insurance (which has not transferred to the Tennessee branch of Blue Cross Blue Shield, yet). So, we ended up picking Maddisyn up from school, then headed back to the house (with a brief stop off to pick up lunch).
Josh and I needed to return the Uhaul today, so after I got home and hung out for a bit, we went and did that, then headed out to the JC Penny at Wolfchase Galleria (a very nice mall in the nice part of greater Memphis area, which isn't far from where we live), where after many phone calls and discussions, I was finally able to get my insurance accepted so that I could order some glasses. So, I picked out my glasses, and they have now been ordered and should be ready in a week or so. Coincidentally, the woman who helped me at JC Penny optical is also a transplant from Washington, hailing from Everett. So, we chatted about that for a bit, which was nice. Josh and I then headed home where I decided to take an afternoon nap. Yes, I know that makes me sound old, but I will be 27 soon, so I guess I am old, heh. Besides, this heat really gets to me (and everyone else).
Next week, my activity will pick up quite a bit, with meetings and such that I need to attend, plus I really need to get on with reading more primary literature and trying to firm up my protocols for my first study. I'd also sort of like to figure out how I would like decorate my office. I want to bring in some of Maddisyn's stuff so that she is comfortable and has things to do if she needs to hang out with me in my office from time to time.
Anyway, I'm hot and I want a cookie. So, I'll end things here.
Hope everyone is doing well and has a good weekend.
Big Love!
graduate school,
health and wellness