I know, I know... I've Been a Bad Blogger

Oct 23, 2006 12:01

So, my last semester of my undergraduate education has been kicking my ass. It seriously is slurping the life right out of me. If it isn't working on papers, projects or readings for one class, it's studying frantically for the exams of another. I wish I could say that I have been doing something more exciting with my time, but really I haven't. I've just been consumed by my school work, research and attempting to tackle a senior thesis from hell. Blarg. It's all good though. I've survived midterms, my grades aren't suffering despite how thin my brain, time and resources are being stretched, and although this semester is rough, demanding, and kicking the shit out of me, it has been one of the most interesting and enjoyable semesters of my entire academic career (I truly love my classes, even if one of my instructors is a complete fucktard).

Aside from school, I have been enjoying my free time (what little I have), with my wonderful 'Chupa and my beautiful daughter (Who will be 4 years old tomorrow! I want to cry just thinking about how fast she is growing up!). In addition, I have been frantically planning and preparing for my future Legacies character (I'm so excited *squeal*). I'm not sure if I'm more excited about the character or about not having to deal with certain IG (and OOG) responsibilities anymore. Sheesh! I need this break desperately!

In addition, 'Chupa and I just got done planning our vacation for this upcoming spring, which will be amazing. During Peanut's spring break, we will be taking her on a road trip (probably to Wyoming and Utah) to see the dinosaur museums (which she will love). Then, 'Chupa and I will be heading to Europe for two weeks of needed rest, relaxation and romance, for a total of three weeks vacation (*gasp* I don't know if 'Chupa will ever want to go back to work after that!). The trip to Europe is a present for 'Chupa's b-day and x-mas (I wanted to do something spectacular for him), which thanks to some careful planning and a lot of luck, will be taking place during our 1-year anniversary (how's that for hitting a ton of birds with one stone?).

So, where are we going, you might ask? Well, we will first spend a few days in Germany, staying in the wonderful city of Hamburg. We hope to be able to travel around the country a bit and maybe do a bit of a castle tour (there are some gorgeous castles in Germany) and take in a bit of history of the area. Then, we will be heading up to Copenhagen, Denmark for a couple of days (I'm hoping to see Niels Bohr's house, which is nerdy, I know, but it would be fun). After a brief stay in Copenhagen, we will spend a day by train traveling from Denmark, through Sweden and into Norway, enjoying the landscape and sights of the area. We will travel through Oslo, into Bergen (the gateway to the Fjords) and spend a few days in Bergen. We hope to tour the fjords and explore the gorgeous Bergen coast. We are so terribly excited! I thought a trip to Norway would give 'Chupa a chance to get in touch with his Norweigan roots and maybe even give him ideas (and props) for his anticipated character rewrite. So exciting!

Anyway... *squeal* We are so terribly happy and excited! I wish I had something tangible to give him on his actual b-day and x-mas, but hopefully this will suffice. I can always give him something else to unwrap. *naughty smile*

Blarg. I feel so done with school. I just want to be out and on my break before entering graduate school. 'Chupa and I have discussed whether or not I want to apply now or wait a year, but I don't know. I need to think about it more. I know I need a break, but being off this December through next fall might be enough. Who knows?

Also, if anyone is interested in going with us to Northwest Trek this coming weekend, we will be taking Peanut for her b-day and the more the merrier. We decided that we do Halloween themed parties for her normally, and a break from that might be nice, especially since we don't have a centrally located house, so the chances of people being able to make it out would be difficult. Anyway, let us know if you are interested.

Well, I hope everyone is doing well and all that good stuff. Miss you much!

Big Love!


vacation, el_chupageek, school, peanut

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